Privacy policy

Privacy Policy for Your Personal Information

Sanin Panasonic Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation") In the operation of this business, we recognize the importance of personal information and believe that it is our greatest responsibility to thoroughly protect it, and in order to provide customers with peace of mind and trust, we have established the following policy, and we will strive to protect personal information by thoroughly disseminating it to employees of the management office and affiliated contact points. In addition to personal information, we will handle information about customers of corporations and other organizations appropriately in the same way as personal information.

1.Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In order to protect personal information, we will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines of each ministry and agency, and other related laws and regulations.

2.Handling of Personal Information

With regard to the handling of personal information, we will establish a management system for the protection of personal information according to the actual business conditions, and handle it appropriately and carefully in accordance with our regulations.

(1) Acquisition of personal information When acquiring personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use and acquire it by lawful and fair means, such as on screens such as websites, in writing such as application forms, and orally. In addition, it may be acquired from a service provider or joint user, or as a result of business succession due to merger or other reasons. In addition, when answering the phone with a customer, we may record the call in order to accurately grasp the contents of orders, opinions, requests, inquiries, etc., and to improve our services in the future.

(2) Use and provision of personal information We will strictly manage personal information, and will use and provide it only within the scope of the purpose for which we have obtained the consent of the individual, except as required by law. In addition, when the purpose of use is to provide personal information to a third party, the scope of the third party will be specified and clearly stated.

3.Measures for safety management

(1) In order to implement safety management measures and ensure the proper handling of personal information, we will provide necessary education and training to our employees.

(2) The Corporation may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information in the sales and reception of various products and services, after-sales service operations, fee-related operations, marketing operations, and other operations. In this case, we will select a party that is recognized as handling personal information appropriately, properly stipulate safety management measures, confidentiality, conditions for subcontracting, and other matters related to the handling of personal information in the consignment contract, and implement necessary and appropriate supervision.

4.Continuous Improvement of the Management System (Compliance Program) for the Protection of Personal Information

We will continuously review and improve our management system (compliance program) regarding the protection of personal information in order to maintain it in the best condition at all times.

Handling of Personal Information

1.Proper Handling of Personal Information
(1) The Corporation provides the Bicycle Sharing Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). We will acquire information handled as personal information by lawful and fair means, and take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage and other safety management.

2.Purpose of use of personal information
(1) In providing services, etc., we will handle the personal information described in (2) below to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use. In addition, even after the service contract with the customer is terminated, we may use personal information within the scope of the above purpose of use.

① Provision and maintenance of services, provision of after-sales services, calculation and billing of usage fees, etc., etc., etc.
For the implementation of related business [Personal information described in (2)(1)~(6) below]
(2) To provide information on products, services, campaigns, events, etc. (including publicity and advertising) of the Corporation and its partner companies (including third-party providers and joint users of personal information), and to send products, premiums, etc. incidental to services and campaigns [Personal information described in (2)(1)(2)(4) below]
(3) To respond to opinions, requests, inquiries, etc. [Personal information described in (2)(1)~(6) below]
(4) To analyze the usage status, analyze and examine various measures to improve customer satisfaction, and measure the effectiveness of such measures, collect and analyze information for product and service planning, collect and analyze information for improving service quality, etc., and to conduct various other analyses and surveys [Personal information described in (2)(1)~(6) below]
(5) To prevent the occurrence of fraudulent contracts, unauthorized use, and non-payment, and to investigate and respond to the occurrence of such contracts [Personal information described in (2)(1)~(6) below]

(2) We will use the following personal information for the purposes described in (1) above.

(1) Name, address, date of birth, etc
Name, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, information stated in identity verification documents such as driver's license and passport, etc.
(2) Information on contract details, usage fees, etc.
Contract type type, information on contract details such as date of contract conclusion, information on usage fees such as invoice amount and payment status, etc.
(3) Information such as payment method
Payment method, credit card number, IC card information, etc.
(4) Information on the content of the service you have applied for
Usage history of each service, information on questionnaire surveys, monitor surveys, etc.
(5) Others
Application history, content of opinions, requests, inquiries, etc., and information acquired in connection with the provision of various services, etc.
(6) Location information
Location information acquired by GPS installed on the bicycle, information on the route of the bicycle used, etc.

(3) Personal information handled by the Corporation in the course of carrying out the work entrusted to us by other businesses will be handled within the scope necessary for the implementation of the business.

(4) If the Corporation deems that any of the following items apply, the Corporation may handle personal information for purposes other than the purpose of use, while giving the utmost consideration to the rights and interests of the individual.

(1) When required by law.
(2) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(3) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either of the foregoing in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to interfere with the execution of the affairs.

(5) The Corporation may provide the following information for the provision of various compensation services for accidents that occur in the provision of services.

(1) Personal information provided to third parties: Personal information described in (2), (1), (2), (4), (5), and (6) above
(2) Third-party provider: Insurance company designated and contracted by the Corporation
(3) Purpose of provision to third parties: To provide various compensation services for accidents that occur in the provision of services, etc.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) ~ (5) above, if the Corporation deems that any of the following items apply, the Corporation may provide personal information to a third party while giving the utmost consideration to the rights and interests of the individual.

(1) When consent is obtained from the person in question.
(2) When required by law.
(3) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(4) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(5) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either of the foregoing in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to interfere with the execution of the affairs.

3.Joint Use

(1) Personal information subject to joint use

(2) Personal information described in 2.(2)(1)~(6) above

(3) Scope of joint users
Sanin Panasonic Corporation
Japan Sea Consultant Co., Ltd.
NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
DoCoMo Bikeshare, Inc.

(4) Name of the person responsible for the management of the above personal information
Sanin Panasonic Corporation

4.Disclosure and correction of personal information

(1) We will accept inquiries about the contract status of each service and inquiries about corrections regarding personal information at the management office of each service. In addition, when accepting the application, it is necessary to confirm that it is the customer himself / herself and an agent (legal representative or agent delegated by the person). The same shall apply hereinafter. In the case of inquiries, we will confirm that you are an appropriate agent.

(2) If there is a request for disclosure of personal information about the customer (or agent) of the customer, the management office will respond without delay.

(3) If there is a request from the customer (or agent) for correction, etc. (correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to a third party) of personal information about the customer, we will investigate without delay. In this case, if the content of the personal information pertaining to the request is not true or if it is recognized that the handling of the personal information is not appropriate, we will correct it without delay. In addition, even if there is a request for correction, etc., we may not correct all or part of the personal information pertaining to the request in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

(4) If there is a request from the person (or agent) of personal information to correct personal information about the person, the management office will respond without delay.

5.Collection and Use of Access Logs

This site uses Google Analytics to collect access information to this site for the purpose of providing better services. For this reason, some pages use cookies provided by Google Analytics. This information will not be linked to the personal information stipulated in (2).
In addition, the data collected by Google Analytics via this site is managed in accordance with Google's privacy policy, and we are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of Google Analytics services.
If you would like to learn more about Google Analytics' use of cookies and the information they collect, please see the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

6/Consultation Desk for the Handling of Personal Information

If you have any comments or requests regarding our handling of personal information,
please contact us at the following address.

<Personal Information Inquiry Desk>
・Inquiries by mail
 416 Watarihashicho,Izumo,Shimane 693-0004 Japan
 Izumo Bicycle Sharing Secretariat
・Inquiries by e-mail